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//LUMINA Projects//

Lumina Gallery has a new and challenging project that focuses on emerging artists called Lumina Projects.


Lumina Project’s focus is to give recognition and guidance to emerging talents. Artists are given opportunities for using the exhibition space to present work for a limited time. Lumina Project selects the talent and through a collaboration with the emerging artist presents a selection of the work in the gallery space at Røverstaden Culture House, which reflects and juxtaposes the diversity of Røverstaden 


To apply for Lumina Projects send in portfolios with an artist statement. 

Curious? Questions? Thoughts?  Ideas? 

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Jonathan Varcoe [b.1987] is an up and coming street artist. Working with well-known art references, he treats his subjects with layers of drawings, color, emojis. Once the artists prints the piece he draws and paints on the prints creating unique work. 

Exhibition ICONS 2019
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In 2018 students from Bilder Nordic had their graduating exhibition, which they called Redlisted. Lumina pulled out 10 students from the exhibition and gave them two more weeks to show in the gallery.  

Exhibition Redlisted 2019


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